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 Donation system for a charity 

Online shopping, online education, online conferences - more and more areas in life are becoming more accessible thanks to new digital technologies. Good deeds can now be done online too with the help of online donation platforms. But what is an online donation platform? This is a kind of online charity store, but instead of goods, there are presented charities and their requests for help. This can be a targeted collection in favor of a specific child, or a story about a long-term project that the foundation is engaged in. The "assortment" of online platforms includes hundreds of options for a wide variety of assistance - for children, adults, the elderly, homeless people, animals, environmental and cultural projects. You can choose any of them or help several organizations at the same time.  Online systems are fast becoming the preferred method of collecting donations. Your organization will need a way to collect donations on your website, store donor information, and promote these new ways of donating to accept donations online.

Why donate through them?

This is a modern and fast service - you can donate any amount in a few clicks. The platforms have collected many different payment systems through which you can transfer money.

What are the main steps you should know before creating a donation website?

- Donation Page. The Donation Page is a one-page business proposal that includes all the information you need to make a donation decision for your organization. This is the page you direct someone to after you have asked them to donate to your organization. 

- Donation Form. Donation forms can be created for general donations and individual campaigns. Online donation forms should not overwhelm the donor. Collect only information about the donor and, if possible, indicate the donation amount that fits within the donor's budget. There are two different donation forms that your organization can use to accept donations on your website. Inline and popup forms have their pros and cons. The choice of form and when to use it depends on your goals.

- Crowdfunding page. Crowdfunding campaigns have gained popularity because of how easy they are to share. After seeing how many people started using crowdfunding to raise needed funds for individuals, nonprofits started jumping on the bandwagon. Crowdfunding is fast becoming the first choice for many fundraisers.

- Reliable payment processor. To accept donations online, you need to integrate a payment processor into your form or website. The most popular platforms for accepting online donations are Paypal and Stripe. Both Paypal and Stripe offer nonprofit discounts, and as such, compared to other payment processors, they make it easier for you to recoup a more significant percentage of your donations. 

- Automated Tax Receipts and Thank You Messages.  This step is about both increasing donations and more about saving you time. Your donation receipts should be automatically sent to your donors in a PDF format to save time and reduce stress and thank you message the instant someone donates through your website.  The donation receipt includes the Donation ID, Serial Number, Organization Name and Address, and Signatures.  

- Make Your Donation Page Shareable. If you make your donation page shareable, more people will hear about your campaign and more people will donate.

- Donation Button to Your Website. important to have a “Donate” button that’s easy to find on every page on your website. Most organizations choose to have it at the top, in their menu, or both, like the example below.

- Traffic to Your Donation Page. Here's a marketing tip that professionals use. This is called the 80/20 Rule: spend 20% of your time creating content and 80% promoting it. This rule can be applied to your donation page as well. After posting, be sure to promote it. One thing that can make it easier to get more traffic to your donation page is to promote it during the high trending natural charity months.

In today's digital world, it is more convenient for Donors to donate online, and this trend is only growing. By choosing not to add online donations to your site, you are losing money. Accepting donations online is no longer as difficult and expensive as it used to be. Online donation apps make it accessible to even the smallest organization. If you are thinking of developing a donation website or application Mifort is the best solution for it. We are an experienced IT outsourcing company that delivered more than 200 Successful projects. Contact us if you want to get excellent services for your business.


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